Froakie Confirmed for August 2023 Community Day in Pokémon GO

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Niantic has announced today that Froakie will be the featured Pokémon for the August 2023 Pokémon GO Community Day event. The event is scheduled for August 13. Froakie will be appearing commonly in the wild with improved shiny rates and Greninja will learn Hydro Cannon!
The event will run from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time but the Four-star Raid battles with Frogadier will continue until 10:00 p.m. local time. Additionally, Niantic are also allowing Greninja to learn the Fast Attack Water Shuriken during and after the event.
linkEvent Bonuses
- 3x Stardust for catching
- 2x catch candy
- 2x chance for Candy XL from catching
- 3-hour-long Lure Modules
- 3-hour-long Incense
- An additional special trade
- Snapshots for additional encounters
- 50% reduction in trade Stardust costs
There will also be a Special Research story available (as per usual) titled "A Bubbly Disposition" that you can purchase for US$1.00 for yourself or to gift to a friend.
Additionally, starting at 5:00 p.m. Frogadier raids will be available that will give a 30 minute boost of Froakie spawns around the gym with boosted shiny rates.
linkGreninja Will Learn Hydro Cannon
Just like all of the other Water-type starters, Greninja will learn Hydro Cannon, which will be a powerful addition to its movepool. You can also use a Fast TM to teach Greninja Water Shuriken, which is a Fast Move.
linkFroakie, Frogadier, and Greninja Shiny Variants
Here's a quick look at what the shiny versions of this family of Pokémon look like:
linkEvent Analysis
The event is looking pretty good. Greninja has a very popular Shiny, though unfortunately we won't be getting Ash-Greninja at this time. Hydro Cannon is a great move, and it should work very well with Greninja! Be sure to get a few good ones for your collection!

The webmaster of Denvoros is an avid programmer and scientist. When he's not complaining about how "over odds" isn't a thing, you can find him playing all sorts of Nintendo games.