Kecleon Finally Makes Its Pokémon GO Debut

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The Pokémon first introduced in the 3rd Generation games, Ruby and Sapphire, started making their debut in Pokémon GO on October 20, 2017. However, one Pokémon has remained elusive, never appearing in Pokémon GO. After almost five and a half years, Kecleon has finally been released.
linkA Brief History
Kecleon is an odd Pokémon. Its gimmick in the Hoenn games is that it is invisible. The Devon Scope item is required to see the Kecleon that block your way in the overworld. Kecleon also has the signature ability Color Swap. This ability allows it to transform into the type that hit it last, making it so much like a chameleon, like it is based on.
So, fans have been wondering if it's unique quirks were part of the reason why it was never released. Were they going to add invisible encounters? Was Kecleon going to remain a normal type and never get to change types because abilities aren't present in the game? Was it going to just be released? The wait was never ending and the hole in our Pokédex would remain unfilled.
However, we suspected the wait would have to end before the Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn. The Tour events are known for featuring every Pokémon introduced in their regions (like the Kanto and Johto events in years past) as well as featuring their shiny forms. So, it made sense that Kecleon would have to come out sooner or later.
linkKecleon's Debut and How to Get One
Now we have confirmation that the elusive Pokémon has been added to GO! With community day is coming to a close in various regions across the globe, fans have been spotting it. Thanks to some Reddit posts (and the PokéMiners before the release), we know that the mechanic involves PokéStop encounters.
According to reports, after the Community Day event ended, going to a PokéStop shows an invisible Kecleon crawling over the icon. Trying to spin gives a message that something's preventing you from collecting items. Upon exiting the stop, Kecleon spawns right next to the stop and you can finally catch it!
The shiny has not yet been reported, but we'll update the post if the shiny was also launched. It's so good to finally see Kecleon appear in the game after so long. The encounter method is fairly clever, though I think we'll all miss seeing its signature move in-game.
Image retrieved from Bulbapedia's archive.

The webmaster of Denvoros is an avid programmer and scientist. When he's not complaining about how "over odds" isn't a thing, you can find him playing all sorts of Nintendo games.