Mega Gardevoir to Debut in GO's Valentine's Day 2023 Event

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Pokémon GO has unveiled their plans for the 2023 Valentine's Day event! We finally will be getting Mega Gardevoir in the game! Gardevoir is (obviously) my favorite Pokémon, so I'm incredibly thrilled that she's finally in the game.
linkValentine's Day 2023 Pokémon GO Event Details
Pokémon GO's Valentine's Day Event will run from February 8, 2023 at 10:00 AM local time until February 14, 2023 at 8:00 PM local time (so no late night Valentine's GO for you!).
linkMega Gardevoir in Raids & Synchronoise
As stated earlier, Mega Gardevoir is the newest debut, and will be taking the Mega Raid slot. Additionally, Kirlia evolved into either a Gallade or Gardevoir will know Synchronoise (the Ralts Community Day Move). Gallade and Gardevoir caught after raids will also know this move. Here's Mega Gardevoir's HOME sprite as both shiny and non-shiny.
Non-Shiny | Shiny |
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linkTimed Research: Lovely Wishes & Shiny Frillish Debut
The event also comes with a Timed Research story that can reward extra catching XP, extra catching Candy, or increase Daily Adventure Incense duration. The research will come with a Frillish encounter.
Shiny Male Frilish | Shiny Female Frillish |
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linkGlobal Challenge
During the event, a global challenge will take place. Send gifts to your friends to add to the global total.
** Global Challenge Goal:** Send 100,000,000 Gifts!
Global Challenge Bonuses: 3x Transfer Candy and 2x Transfer Candy XL for the event.
linkHeart Trim Furfrou
You can also transform your Natural Form Furfrou into Heart Trim during the event! Just remember it costs 25 candy and 10,000 Stardust.
linkPokémon Encounters
Here are some of the featured Pokémon encounters during the event:
- Nidoran♀ (Shiny Eligible)
- Nidoran♂ (Shiny Eligible)
- Skitty (Shiny Eligible)
- Volbeat (Shiny Eligible)
- Illumise (Shiny Eligible)
- Woobat (Shiny Eligible)
- Frillish (Shiny Eligible)
- Red Flower Flabébé (Europe, Middle East, and Africa)
- Blue Flower Flabébé (Asia-Pacific)
- Yellow Flower Flabébé (Americas)
- Furfrou (Shiny Eligible)
- Morelull
Rare spawns include:
- Chansey (Shiny Eligible)
- Audino (Shiny Eligible)
- Alomomola (Shiny Eligible)
- White Flower Flabébé
- Orange Flower Flabébé
link7 km (Gift) Eggs
These Pokémon will be in the 7 km Eggs:
- Lickitung (Shiny Eligible)
- Smoochum (Shiny Eligible)
- Happiny (Shiny Eligible)
- Frillish (Shiny Eligible)
- Alomomola (Shiny Eligible)
linkRaid Listing
Of course we have raid Pokémon to look forward to as well.
- One-Star Raids: Chansey (Shiny Eligible), Shinx (Shiny Eligible), Furfrou (Shiny Eligible), Espurr (Shiny Eligible)
- Three-Star Raids: Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Lickitung (Shiny Eligible), Miltank (Shiny Eligible), Gallade
- Five-Star Raids: Tapu Lele (Shiny Eligible)
- Mega Raids: Mega Gardevoir (Shiny Eligible)
linkField Research Tasks
There are lots of Pokémon that will be in the research tasks, but the important ones are Frillish, Heart Pattern Spinda (Shiny!), and Morelull.
linkSmaller Event Details
You can get a Frillish top and glasses that you can wear as well as some cute Valentine's stickers. Check out the images below:

linkLuvdisc Limited Research Day
Another small event within the event is Luvdisc Limited Research Day. On February 11 at 2:00 PM until 5:00 PM spin Photo Discs for a ton of research opportunities for Luvdisc so you can get a shiny! Additionally, wild encounters will be adjusted to include Slowpoke, Lickitung, Miltank, Lileep, Feebas, Spritzee, Fomantis, and Alomomola (all but Fomantis is shiny!)
linkFinal Thoughts
Phew that's a lot of info! Valentine's Day 2023 event should be quite fun! I am largely looking forward to Mega Gardevoir, but the bonuses also seem pretty solid! Good luck and have fun!

The webmaster of Denvoros is an avid programmer and scientist. When he's not complaining about how "over odds" isn't a thing, you can find him playing all sorts of Nintendo games.