Next Scarlet/Violet 7-Star Tera Raid Announced, Mystery Poison Tera Type

The Pokémon Company has announced the next event 7-Star Tera Raid Battle! However, all we know so far is that it will feature the Poison Tera Type. This is a bit of a deviation from their normal announcements, as previous announcements have included the species of Pokémon right from the get-go. The raids will run from Janurary 27th (00:00 UTC) to January 29th (23:59 UTC) and have a rerun on February 10th to February 12th.
Past 7-Star Tera Raid Battle events have featured Charizard and Cinderace, which were not previously available for capture in Scarlet and Violet. So, it's safe to assume that we'll get another Pokémon that isn't currently available in the games. The last two were also starter Pokémon, so it's possible they want to go through starters before addressing others. There are just so many Pokémon to choose from!
Some fans (including myself) believe that the Poison Tera Typing is alluding to Greninja. Greninja is consistently on the most popular Pokémon lists, and we haven't seen it in a main-series game since the 3DS. Though the question remains if it will be Battle-Bond Greninja (previously known as Ash Greninja, as they seem to have reworked this form) or Protean Greninja. If it's Battle-Bond, it is likely not breedable, as Ash Greninja wasn't. I would prefer Protean Greninja so I can shiny hunt it through eggs!
Whatever it ends up being, we'll be sure to make a follow up post with more information about the event as it becomes known.

The webmaster of Denvoros is an avid programmer and scientist. When he's not complaining about how "over odds" isn't a thing, you can find him playing all sorts of Nintendo games.