Pokémon GO Holiday 2024 Event Part 1 Details Revealed
Shiny Sandygast and Holiday Dedenne will debut!

Niantic has revealed the details for the first part of the Holiday 2024 event in Pokémon GO! This event will run from December 17 at 10:00 a.m. until December 22 at 9:59 p.m. This event features the release of Shiny Sandygast as well as a Dedenne wearing holiday attire. Here are the rest of the event details:
- 2x XP from Catching Pokémon
- 1/2 Hatch Distance
- Shiny Sandygast debug
- Dedenne in holiday attire (Shiny eligible)
- Increased spawns of the following Pokémon (all Shiny eligible!):
- Alolan Sandshrew
- Swinub
- Delibird with a ribbon
- Numel
- Snover
- Darumaka
- Litleo
- Bergmite
- Sandygast
- Raids featuring the following Pokémon (all Shiny eligible!):
- One-Star:
- Pikachu in Winter Carnival
- Psyduck in holiday attire
- Dedenne in holiday attire
- Sandygast
- Three-Star:
- Stantler in holiday outfit
- Glaceon in Undersea Holiday outfit
- Cryogonal
- Mega Raids:
- Mega Latias and Mega Latios
- 7km Eggs will get the following Pokémon (all Shiny eligible except for Charcadet!):
- Hisuian Growlithe
- Pichu with summer flair
- Spheal in holiday scarf
- Cubchoo in holiday ribbon
- Amaura
- Charcadet
- Field Research for the event Pokémon
- Paid Timed Research (US$2)
- Two Premium Battle Passes
- One Incubator
- 1,500 Stardust
- Guaranteed encounters with themed Pokémon
- Collection Challenges
- PokéStop Showcases
Just your standard event, honestly. The spawns seem cool, and Shiny Sandygast is pretty cool.
sellTags:Pokémon GO

The webmaster of RotomLabs.net. Denvoros is an avid programmer and scientist. When he's not complaining about how "over odds" isn't a thing, you can find him playing all sorts of Nintendo games.