Twinkling Fantasy Event Details, Mega Salamence Debut - Pokémon GO

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The next Pokémon GO event is the Twinkling Fantasy Event. Fairy- and Dragon-type Pokémon are some of the strongest in the entire series, and this event features a good number of them! We'll be getting the debut of Shiny Dedenne as well as Mega Salamence! The event runs for only a week in January, so be sure to get out and fill your collection!
linkEvent Details
The event runs from Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 8:00 AM until Monday, January 16, 2023 at 10:00 PM local time.
The event will feature a good number of Dragon- and Fairy-type Pokémon with the full debut of Mega Salamence. Don't forget to take a few snapshots for surprise encounters!
linkCollection Challenge
Complete the collection challenge to get the following:
- 50 Salamence Mega Energy
- Charged TM
- Fast TM
linkEvent Bonuses
As always, there are some event-specific bonuses that will be available:
- 2x XP for Nice, Great, and Excellent throws
- Additional catch candy for Nice, Great, and Excellent throws
- Increased XL candy chance
linkPokémon Featured
Here are the Pokémon that will be available during the event.
linkWild Spawns
- Mega Salamence (raid only, shiny Salamence possible from the raids)
- Clefairy (shiny possible)
- Clefable
- Jigglypuff (shiny possible)
- Dratini (shiny possible)
- Togetic (shiny possible)
- Marill (shiny possible)
- Ralts (shiny possible)
- Vibrava
- Bagon (shiny possible)
- Deino (shiny possible)
- Dedenne (shiny possible)
- Goomy (rare, no shiny)
- Noibat (rare, shiny possible)
linkField Research Encounters
- Clefairy (shiny possible)
- Dratini (shiny possible)
- Bagon (shiny possible)
- Dedenne (shiny possible)
- Goomy (rare, no shiny)
- One-Star Raids (all shiny eligible)
- Jigglypuff
- Marill
- Axew
- Deino
- Three-Star Raids (all shiny eligible)
- Mawile
- Druddigon
- Dedenne
- Five-Star Raids
- Zekrom (shiny possible, knows Fusion Bolt)
- Mega Raids
- Salamence
Lots of great raids! Shiny Axew is a hot target and appears to only be available in raids. Spend your free daily passes on Axew once you have enough Mega Salamence energy!

The webmaster of Denvoros is an avid programmer and scientist. When he's not complaining about how "over odds" isn't a thing, you can find him playing all sorts of Nintendo games.