Details for the Greninja 7-Star Tera Raid Event

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Previously announced as a mystery and then later confirmed, Greninja is the new 7-Star Tera Raid event Pokémon and the event is live now (as of the time of this post)!
The event runs until January 29th at 23:59 UTC (or 6:59 PM Eastern, 3:59 PM Pacific) and there will be a repeat run for February 10 to February 12. Don't forget, this Greninja has the Mightiest Mark and you can only catch one! So choose a cool ball especially so you can breed some nice shinies.
Thankfully this Greninja is not Battle Bond and instead comes with Protean. Battle Bond Greninja is registered internally as an entirely different form, so it is actually impossible to breed! You also cannot use an Ability Patch to change it to Battle Bond.
Anyway, Protean is also a very good ability (even with its recent nerf) and it's really nice to see the Froakie family in the game! Good luck getting some shinies!
linkRaid Details
- Pokémon: Greninja
- Tera Type: Poison
- Ability: Protean
- Nature: Sassy
- IVs: Flawless 6IV
- Shiny Available: Never
- Moves
- Gunk Shot
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Night Slash
- Extra Moves
- Toxic Spikes
- Double Team
- Double Team
- Double Team
Yes, Double Team takes three slots, so it will use it often!
linkA Simple Strategy
Here's a really simple strategy that can solo the Greninja raid:
Get a Slowbro with Own Tempo. Give it 252 HP and 252 Special Attack IVs (and the rest in defense). Have it hold a Life Orb. Any nature that boosts special attack will be a good benefit too. Give it this moveset:
- Iron Defense
- Nasty Plot
- Slack Off
- Stored Power
Then just use Iron Defense 3 times, then Nasty Plot 3 times. Use the Cheer for "attack" boost. Then just use Stored Power and it should go down super fast. Best results are without others attacking and boosting.
There are loads of other good strategies, and if you need extra help, head to our Discord server to get it with other trainers!
Good luck getting this event Greninja!

The webmaster of Denvoros is an avid programmer and scientist. When he's not complaining about how "over odds" isn't a thing, you can find him playing all sorts of Nintendo games.