Scarlet and Violet Patch Announced for Late April, Fixes Iron Leaves and Walking Wake

Version 1.2.0 of Scarlet and Violet brought Iron Leaves and Walking Wake through raids. However, there was an oversight that led to some trainers seeing and catching strange eggs which has prohibited them from getting the two new Pokémon.
When the Raid Event started, trainers that hadn't updated and were still on 1.1.0 could still join the raids even though the new Pokémon weren't in the game. This left them with a strange egg that could be hatched infinitely. Updating the game did not fix them, and catching the strange egg marked in the save file that the raids had been caught. This left those trainers unable to get their own Iron Leaves and Walking Wake! They have since made it so that trainers on 1.1.0 cannot connect to the Internet to participate.
Fortunately, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company have announced that a fix is on its way. A patch is scheduled for late April that will address these issues for the affected trainers. They also promised that the raid event will return so you have another opportunity to catch them. Of course, more information about the return of the event will be announced as we approach the release of the patch.
This update will also feature other bug fixes, but it is unknown at the time what they will cover. We still have the incredibly rare, but troublesome, glitch that is rendering some trainers' save files completely unusable. Hopefully that will also be addressed. Of course, we at RotomLabs are always hoping that visual and performance issues will be addressed, but considering 1.2.0 did hardly anything for that, we're not too hopeful.
We'll provide more information about the patch as it comes, even if it is more than a month away.
Source: Nintendo Customer Support

The webmaster of Denvoros is an avid programmer and scientist. When he's not complaining about how "over odds" isn't a thing, you can find him playing all sorts of Nintendo games.